journal articles
please hover over journal title to go to article link
- '"Hands off the Keyboard": NATO's Cyber Defence of Critical Infrastructure", Defense Studies (with Karine Pontbriand)[accepted, forthcoming 2025]
- "Cyber and the Responsibility to Protect", Global Responsibility to Protect 16/4 (2025), 333-362. *invited guest editor of this special issue.
- "Cyber Intelligence and Influence: In Defence of 'Cyber Manipulation Operations' to Parry Atrocities", Ethics & International Affairs, 37/2 (2023), 161-176
- “Coding Protection: ‘Cyber humanitarian interventions’ for atrocity prevention”, International Affairs, 99(1) (2023), 299 –319
- “Reluctant to Protect? The role of moral reputation in joining ‘coalitions of the willing’”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 17/4 (2022), 477–496.
- “Limited force and the return of reprisals in the law of armed conflict”, Ethics and International Affairs, 34/2 (2020), 175 – 188 (with Eric A. Heinze)
- “‘They will rot the society, rot the Party and rot the army.’ Toxification as perpetrator motivation in the Khmer Rouge genocide?”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 31/2 (2019), 494 – 515 (with Timothy Williams)
- [open access] “Toxification as a more precise early warning sign for genocide than dehumanization? An emerging research agenda”, Genocide Studies and Prevention, 9/1 (2015), 83 – 95
- 'FileNotFound: Russia is Hacking Evidence of its War Crimes,' War on the Rocks, May 2024.
- ‘What’s Democratic About “Democratizing AI”?’ New Global Politics, 18 April 2024,(with Diana Acosta-Navas, Henrik Kugelberg, Ting-An Lin, Lorenzo Manuali, and Rob Reich).
- '"Honey, I'm Hacked": Ethical questions raised by Ukrainian Cyber Deception of Russian Military Wives', Just Security, Values in Foreign Policy Symposium, May 2023.
- 'Revising, or Rejecting, "Reasonable Prospect of Success" in Just Wars? Lessons from Ukraine', Lawfare, March 2023.
policy publications
- ‘Written Evidence for the UK Parliamentary Inquiry on Tech and Foreign Policy’, 2021, on behalf of Oxford Programme for International Peace and Security at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (with Talita de Souza Dias)[accessible here]
- ‘Written Evidence for the UK Parliamentary Inquiry on Security and Trade Relationship with China’, International Relations and Defence Committee, 2021, on behalf of Oxford Programme for International Peace and Security at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (with Federica D’Alessandra, Henry Wu, and Kirsty Sutherland)[accessible here]
book chapters
- 'An overview of political approaches to human rights', in Tom Campbell and Kylie Bourne (eds.) Political Approaches to Human Rights (New York: Routledge, 2017), 229 – 239 (with Tom Campbell)
- 'Dents in the Soul?' in Tom Frame (ed.), Moral Injury: Unseen Wounds in an Age of Barbarism (Kensington: UNSW Press, 2015), 135 – 147
- 'Perfidy and means mala in se', in Deane-Peter Baker (ed.) Key Issues in Military Ethics (Kensington: UNSW Press, 2015), 167 – 173
in preparation and under review
- "Reasonable Prospect of Success" (with Scott D. Sagan)
- Algorithms and Atrocities: Cyber Humanitarian Interventions for Preventing Genocides, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity [under contract with OUP, Bridging the Gap series]